blog post #2

Yesterday I went to the park and my goal was to improve my underarm because it is very hard to defend. An underarm shot is like swinging a golf club but with the lacrosse stick. It gets very hard to master. Basically to get your underarm shot better you have to step into the throw, also the flick of the wrist is very important.

4 thoughts on “blog post #2”

  1. Hey Nico, I am so glad you are specific. You discuss the type of throw.
    This time I wanted you to share a resource you have used, so your readers (and I) can go actually SEE what you have used to get better. I do hope you check out the book in Epic, Make Me the Best Lacrosse Player. I think it’ll be helpful for you.

  2. I like how you added A simile in your blog post. I want to know why this move is so important too. keep it up.


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